Jul 5, 2018 | Newspaper articles
Detailed article about the It’s Our City! Press conference and the petition in the Sheffield Telegraph. They seem to have done a lot of research.
Jul 2, 2018 | Newspaper articles
As National Democracy Week kicks off, the former Greens leader Natalie Bennett writes about the need for local authorities to go from leader-led councils to democratic committee systems. Read the full article here.
Jun 28, 2018 | Newspaper articles
Committed campaigners will launch a petition in the hope of changing the way decisions are made by Sheffield Council. Members of It’s Our City – which they define as a ‘community-led network of Sheffield residents’ – are hoping to gather...
Jun 28, 2018 | Press-releases
SHEFFIELD COMMUNITIES GIVE NOTICE: NO MORE ‘STRONG LEADER’ Today, It’s Our City! heralds the end of Sheffield City Council’s undemocratic, ‘strong leader’ model. It’s Our City!, with communities in Sheffield, under the community rights enshrined in the Localism Act...
Jun 13, 2018 | Press-releases
SHEFFIELD COUNCIL SAYS ‘NO’ TO DEMOCRACY Communities say ‘It’s Our City!’ In the year where we acknowledge and celebrate 100 years of women getting the vote, Sheffield turns back the clock on local democracy. In one extraordinary week Sheffield City Council blocked...