Mar 9, 2019 | Events, Uncategorized, Update
VOICES FOR CHANGE A POETRY ANTHOLOGY FOR SHEFFIELD Call for Submissions Supporting workshop (optional): Saturday 20th April 2019 Deadline for Submissions: Thursday 1st August 2019 It’s Our City! invites submissions of poems for an anthology to be published in 2020 by...
Feb 20, 2019 | Council Governance Model Referendum
Dear Mr Fyffe We were disturbed to see the misinformation and inaccuracies in the January 2019 Labour Party newsletter in relation to the petition for a change of governance arrangements. In particular, we were concerned to see It’s Our City! and the campaign for...
Jan 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
Part 1 of 3 from a presentation by Nigel Slack (‘The Public Interest’ blog) at a seminar run by It’s Our City! in September 2018. In Part 1, Nigel explains how the power to make decisions in Sheffield Council is in the hands of just 10 out of the 84...
Dec 2, 2018 | Newspaper articles
Campaigners have demanded Sheffield City Council scraps their current strong leader structure in favour of a committee system which they claim is more democratic. The strong leader structure means that not all decisions are discussed at full council. Executive...