Last Updated: 2nd December 2018
1 – This notice is intended to inform you about the information that we hold in relation to you, why we hold it, for how long and your rights in respect of the information that we hold. Changes in data protection laws in 2018 will mean that you will have the right to ask us what information we hold, and you will also have the right in certain circumstances to ask us to delete information or to anonymise any papers that we hold on your files. The law regarding this is contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of The European Parliament and of The Council. The regulations are known as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
2 – The responsible entity: It’s Our City! and its committee members are responsible to you for the privacy of your data and the safe and proper handling of it.
3 – Compliance: It’s Our City! Are both a Data Controller and a Data Processor. Both Data Controllers and Data Processors are obliged to comply with the GDPR and we rely on your attention and observance where required.
4 – Volunteers: It’s Our City! ensures that all of its volunteers are aware of the confidential nature of Personal Data, have adequate training in relation to the data protection legislation and that they are bound by relevant obligations and restrictions when processing Personal Data.
5 – Any use that we make of your data must be fair and lawful. We will hold all confidential and personally identifiable information and data concerning our supporters, members, suppliers, volunteers and partners securely and in confidence using appropriate technical and organisational measures.
6 – We will only use your data for the purposes for which it was provided and to comply with any statutory requirements upon us.
7 – We will use your data to contact you to let you know of any events, news or updates on our campaigns. Please notify us if you do not wish to be contacted in this way.
8 – We may on occasion place promotional materials on to our website or Social Media sites. If you do not wish us to place anything incorporating your photograph (e.g. as part of a group photo at an event) please let us know. We will always respect your wishes.
9 – SAR Requests: We will handle subject access requests (SAR) promptly, however when we consider SAR’s to be manifestly unfounded, excessive or to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, we will refuse the request.
10 – Article 28: If an audit or inspection is required to evidence that It’s Our City! is meeting its obligations under Article 28, It’s Our City! will assist appropriately but will inform the Client if it is asked to do something infringing the GDPR or the other UK, EU or member state data protection law.
11 – ICO: It’s Our City! proposes to co-operate with supervisory authorities (such as the ICO) in accordance with Article 31.
12 – Data breach: In the event of any personal data breach we will notify our Clients in accordance with Article 33.
13 – Consent and revocation: After reading this notice you are asked to indicate your consent to us continuing to hold your data in the manner and for the purposes above mentioned. Subject as set out below, you are entitled to revoke your consent at any time and if so, we will keep a record of when you asked us to cease processing your data and we will advise you of what continues to be held by us and when we are legally able to delete it.
14 – If you revoke your consent it may affect the relationship between us and we will not be liable for any consequential issues arising.
15 – Contact Us: If you wish to contact us about the use being made of your data, you should send any communication to us; the electronic email address is