Soup Events are live crowdfunding of projects chosen by Sheffield People.

The Grants are made up of peoples entry donation on a live pitch night.  Each ‘micro investor’ donates a minimum of £5.  4 people each pitch an idea that has been selected by Sheffield Residents – often whittled down from 20+ applications.  The audience privately cast their vote, and the winning pitch receives 100% of the door receipts!

The 14th Pitch night for Sheffield Soup is taking place on this Monday 8th October and It’s Our City will be pitching for the prize. We’d love as many of you to come along as possible.

It only costs £5 to be involved and that will also give you a vote on who wins (us hopefully) and the chance to talk to lots of people about the campaign and why you got involved.

Oh … you also get to enjoy soup and a beer with lots of nice people. Get your tickets by clicking on the link below and we’ll see you at the Crucible:

Click here for more info on the Crucible and Tickets.